What is FasterEFT and what does it offer me?

The page About FasterEFT answers this question in detail.

Who can use FasterEFT?

Anyone who is interested in living a happier, healthier, more peaceful and more successful life.

Does FasterEFT have any undesirable side effects?

No, since this method shows its effectiveness through the natural healing process of the human body. However, please, keep in mind that tapping may trigger acute emotions and various abreactions in the body as old hurts come to the surface. But these can happen not only due to the tapping but anything else in life, so this is also natural. (For example, if you have fear of spiders, you’re likely to get triggered now and again anyway, when seeing a spider on TV or hearing someone talk about spiders etc.) If you don’t tap out what you’re holding inside you, it’ll probably cause more harm to you.

Can I use this method as a replacement for medical treatment?

If you’re on medication, DO NOT stop taking medicine without the consent of your doctor. Fortunately, it’s possible that you can achieve healing at so deep a level with tapping that you won’t need to take a certain type of medicine anymore, but if you want to wean yourself off, make sure you do so by following your doctor’s guidelines.

I would like to learn how to use FasterEFT on myself. Where shall I start?

You can learn the basics by watching Robert G. Smith’s videos, and I also show you how to tap on yourself during the sessions, teach you additional techniques and answer any questions if something is not clear.

There are supposed to be subtitles in the video by I can’t see any. What shall I do?

To turn them on, click on the CC button, and to see the available languages of the subtitle, click on the cogwheel and then “Subtitles/CC”. (Note: due to the changes introduced from time to time in the appearance of YouTube, the current layout might be slightly different.)

Screenshot of button for toggling subtitles

What do I need to say while tapping?

It’s enough to say, “I let it go… it’s safe to let it go… let it go… just let it go… peace.”

Are you sure I can solve MY problem with FasterEFT?

Try it on everything that bothers you!

Well, I’ve tried, but I haven’t noticed any major shifts. Are you sure this stuff works?

There are certain problems which are more complex than usual, and so they cost more work. However, if you experience only slight shifts as soon as you start tapping, that’s the sign of the healing process too! Also remember, you may not have developed your problems during a single day, so it might take more than just a day to get rid of them as well. The point is, just hold on! Persistence is vital to get results.

What is the relation between EFT and FasterEFT?

EFT is one of the modalities that serve as the basis of FasterEFT. Others include NLP, Be Set Free Fast, PSYCH-K and so on.

You can learn more about the differences between EFT and FasterEFT by reading this post on FasterEFT.com or watching this interview with Robert.

When I see you during a session, is it going to be like in talk therapy?

No. FasterEFT approaches problems from a different perspective. Instead of trying to find the answer to why you have problems, we figure out how you’re creating them in your mind, and then we transform whatever is supporting them. Also, we work on the level of emotions and the subconscious, which allows us to make changes where the logical, conscious mind can’t reach.

Can you help me even if I don’t really want to talk about my problems?

Yes! You don’t even need to share the details of your problems (e.g. what happened exactly in a specific memory) if you don’t want to. All I need to know is what you’re doing inside you (e.g. are you feeling, seeing, or hearing anything?) and how much it bothers you as you’re thinking about it.

What is this RSS and Matrix that I see mentioned on your website/blog?

RSS (whose symbol is ) is a family of standards which one can publish frequently updated online content through, such as blog posts, news, and videos. Its biggest advantage is that once you’ve subscribed to a channel, you’ll be notified (even automatically and immediately if set in the feed aggregator) of each new posts—without having to visit the website you’re interested in every day only to check for new content, or having to give out your email address (which you’d normally do when you subscribe to a newsletter). Another advantage is having total control over your subscriptions: if you don’t like certain posts, you can set up filters so that some notifications will be dismissed, and you can also unsubscribe from any channels any time.

There are many free solutions for using RSS. A few examples: Mozilla Thunderbird (GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X), Newsboat (GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD), QuiteRSS (GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD), Flym (Android).

Matrix (whose logo is “[m]”) is an open communication protocol, which allows you to send instant messages—to one person or even thousands of people—share files, and make audio/video calls or conference calls. The Matrix network, similar to Diaspora*, is decentralised and information can freely flow on it.

You can join Matrix through different pieces of software. I currently recommend using Riot, which is available on the web (only requires Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera), Android and iOS. In the case of the web version, it’s not even necessary to register.

I haven’t found the answer to my question…

Feel free to ask via e-mail or Matrix.