FasterEFT was created by Robert G. Smith, incorporating several different modalities—most notably EFT, NLP, and Be Set Free Fast—and the teachings of various coaches such as Anthony Robbins and Louise L. Hay. He included only the parts of these he considered crucial, with the intention of creating a self-help method that is fast, effective, and accessible for anyone.

FasterEFT gives you the ability to become aware of how you create your problems and solve them by changing what you do in your mind regularly. To have a good understanding of what this means, let’s take a moment to look at the core presuppositions of FasterEFT!

Emotional patterns and references

Everything you notice in your life is the product of the information stored in your subconscious mind—everything you’ve ever experienced—and the emotions attached to it. From these experiences (also called references) you formed belief systems and generalisations that were practical in a given context, but now, they need to be updated so that they empower you, rather than limit you, in living your life to its fullest.

Even if it’s logical that some of those references don’t serve you anymore, it’s possible that you’re operating from them even today. Now and again, your subconscious mind finds a connection between what’s happening in the present and something that happened days, weeks, or even years ago, and your mind and body, working together, put you in a certain mental state in the blink of an eye.

How your states affect the world around you

The state you’re in determines how you perceive whatever you experience and how you handle it. For example, when you’re angry, it may be hard to treat yourself and others kindly. When you’re feeling low, you may find it difficult to find a reason to be happy or joyful or focus on solutions instead of problems. This all doesn’t mean that these (or other unpleasant) emotions are inherently bad. Problems arise when you ignore these emotions, pretend that they don’t exist, or wallow in them.

As a healthier alternative, you and I can choose to deal with our emotions by acknowledging the message they carry (they always do), consciously break our patterns that lead us into limiting states, and create empowering states. The more we do this, the easier it becomes, and we get to experience less pain and more pleasure in our everyday lives.

The sky’s the limit?

As we consciously take care of our states, we can expect to notice shifts virtually anywhere we look. Others are likely to notice that we’ve changed, and, since we treat ourselves better, we’re likely to find others who treat us better as well. Our friendships, relationships, finances, emotional, mental, and physical well-being will improve. Regardless of our past and present circumstances, we can become whoever we want to be.

It’s all possible… as long as you’re ready to take action. The only person who can make a difference in your life is you. Not me or anyone else, because only you have control over your thoughts and your actions. What I can do is to provide you with guidance and help when you’re facing a challenge that feels overwhelming, or your goal is loud and clear and yet you don’t know how to reach it. Even then, following my instructions and doing the suggested exercises is entirely your choice. It all starts with you… now!

Now that we’ve discussed the main beliefs of FasterEFT, I invite you to read the FAQ on this website, where several frequently asked questions are answered. Then, take a look at the blog posts and find the topics you’re interested in. If you have any questions or need help along your journey, contact me.