After over a month of work, I’m happy to announce that my new website and blog is complete! Other than its appearance, the underlying software, the content of some of the older posts and pages (imported from the old site), and my plans about future topics have all changed. In this post, I’m going to describe these changes in detail.

Goodbye, WordPress, welcome, Jekyll!

While the old website ran on WordPress, this one is built on Jekyll. The main advantages of this is that it loads faster, it’s safer, more customisable, and more comfortable to publish with. I also redesigned its layout so that the focus is on the content (with as few distractions as possible) and it’s more pleasant to read (with a dark background and light text).

Almost every post published on my previous site is going to remain available, although I’ve edited some of them to a lesser extent. In the past several months my stance on FasterEFT changed, and I see fit to make them reflect my current beliefs.

Seven years of FasterEFT

I started using FasterEFT in 2011. Since then, I’ve had sessions of hundreds of hours with other practitioners and I’ve worked even more on myself. I think it’s safe to say that after such a long time, anyone can get a picture of how well this modality works.

It’s an undeniable fact that I’ve made shifts with FasterEFT. Here are a few examples, which have given me more than enough reasons to recommend it to anyone who wanted to improve their lives:

  • I used to have sleeping issues regularly (at least 3-4 times a week), while it rarely happens nowadays.
  • I no longer have chronic anxiety; I’m a lot calmer and have more self-esteem in my everyday life.
  • I don’t have depression anymore; instead, I tend to be in a good mood and it’s easy to find something to smile about.
  • It’s easier to get on well with people in general.
  • I’m more social.
  • My self image has vastly improved.

Still, I wasn’t completely satisfied. Throughout the years I’ve set up three important goals: an ideal relationship, ideal opportunity (or opportunities) to earn a living, and eyesight improvement. (By the word “ideal”, I mean a relationship and opportunities that are in alignment with my values and satisfy my needs.) After many hours of sessions and study of the official FasterEFT training material, I haven’t been able to achieve these. That made me think: “What’s the point in saying this is one the best methods in the world if I can’t use it to achieve what I desire the most in life?”

Then I remembered Robert Smith recommending Anthony Robbins’s first book, Unlimited Power, on one of his DVDs. He also mentions that Tony was one of his major inspirations when he created his own modality and he would often listen to his tapes in his car. I decided to read this thick, almost 400-page-long book in Hungarian. Last year I wrote about integrating into FasterEFT what I gathered, which, I believe, can still make the method more effective in certain situations.

A wider perspective

Since then, I’ve read Tony’s second book that blew me away: Awaken the Giant Within. Why is this book so fascinating? Because it contains so much detail about “basic” concepts such as emotions, references, value systems, identity etc. that I don’t remember hearing from Robert. (Even if he did touch upon a few parts and pieces, he didn’t spend that much time on discussing them.)

Instead of throwing FasterEFT out of the window altogether, I checked how my previous knowledge could be combined with the new one, so that I could finally make my dreams come true. Although I can’t say I’ve crossed the finish line yet, the results I’ve noticed so far are very promising.

One of my prominent realisations have been this: don’t consider a modality a partner you’re married to. Each method is a reflection of a person’s own beliefs and experiences. It may have worked for them, but there’s no guarantee it will always work for everybody in every situations the same way. Do you think now I’ll follow everything Tony says without question? Absolutely not! He, too, may have opinions or convictions that wouldn’t be the most useful to me if I adopted them. This is perfectly normal. I’ve made the decision to be more open to approach a case from multiple angles, listening to more than one person, and then choose what enriches my life through critical thinking and personal trial.

What’s next?

I still maintain that FasterEFT is an excellent modality. Its own version of tapping, when done correctly, is one of the most effective ways of breaking trances that I would never stop using. In addition, with what I’ve already learned about it, I can make shifts with anyone who is ready for it. For these reasons, I’m not quiting FasterEFT.

I’m going to continue using FasterEFT together with what I’ve found in Tony’s books and proved to work for me. Robert has created a method that is simple and easy to adopt for anyone. For this, leaving out certain parts of the source material was unavoidable. In future posts, I’ll discuss the details of the parts I consider priceless.

And if you’re a big fan of FasterEFT and come to me for a session, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. I’m not trying to create a new method or criticise how Robert has created his. I’m forming new habits of what to consciously pay attention to when I work on an issue. In my opinion, these habits fit the belief system of FasterEFT very well and won’t appear out of place. Who knows, maybe Robert agrees on them, too, he just hasn’t decided to teach them. Either way, I use what works the best on myself so that I can help other people as well.


I’ve made great results in the past seven years with FasterEFT, which I’m grateful for. I hope I can do even more with it if I combine what I’ve learned so far with the suggestions of Anthony Robbins—those that Robert left out of FasterEFT. How far I’ll manage to go, we’ll see. But one thing is sure: I’m ready to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals and I’m not willing to make do with less.