In spite of having used FasterEFT for a while, your dream still doesn’t seem like it’s going to become real any time soon, so you feel like you are unable to achieve it at all and you question if the modality really works. If this sounds familiar to you, the following tips may help you clear up any confusion or doubt about the effectiveness of the process and gain inspiration so that you can continue.

Does it really work?

I’ve been using FasterEFT on myself for six years and been a practitioner for nearly five years. From this experience, I can say the following: even though from time to time I also perceived that I’m not going anywhere, this state was actually a trance, which, of course, can be broken just like any other trances. And since I kept going, various aspects of my problems keep coming up even today—vital as they may be, I didn’t use to be aware of them—and I keep experiencing changes that would have seemed impossible before. For example, I regularly go out with friends, as I wrote in my post towards the end of last year, and I also feel much calmer when I’m with certain people or do the shopping.

So, I suggest asking yourself, “how do I know … is a problem?” If you can represent it in yourself—which means you can feel, see, hear, taste or smell something in your mind/body, or just “know” that it bothers you—then yes, you can change it. In other words, FasterEFT does work for you as well. It’s just that since each person internalises his/her problems differently, what takes only a few days for somebody may take weeks or months for another person. As I mentioned in the FAQ of my website, persistence is the key to get the results you want.

Take note of your successes

It’s very common that people don’t even notice how many things they have achieved with FasterEFT, because they are busy focussing on what’s wrong instead of what’s right. This is one of the reasons it’s worth keeping a happy journal: you can include not only memories that were originally happy, but also ones that you created after flipping an unpleasant one. This way, you not only remind yourself of how many you have transformed, but you practise them, too, until they become an integral part of your life.

Also, before you even touch one of your meridian points with your finger, check how much the way you internalise your problem has changed compared to the last time you thought about your problem. Maybe you’ll realise it’s not so intense or vivid as it usually is, or now it’s safer for your mind to bring up some details of a certain memory. These are considered successes, no matter how trivial they may sound!

Books and other media for inspiration

If you live in an environment where up until now you’ve been surrounded mainly by people with negative belief systems and emotional issues, affecting you greatly, you may find it particularly helpful if you look for inspiration somewhere else. Ideal sources are books, films, online videos, audio and so on, which remind you of how much power you have within you, which can present unlimited possibilities to you. Nowadays I’ve read Bob Proctor, Louise L. Hay, and Jack Canfield, which I highly recommend, but videos from Robert Smith and Tony Robins also help a lot.

Ask for help

You can go even further by reaching out to someone you trust and is willing to support you. Whether it’s friends, family or practitioners, it makes the journey a lot easier if they are there to encourage you not to give up. Even if you don’t realise how much you have changed, it’ll often be apparent to them that you are no longer the same person you used to be: perhaps you’re now more peaceful, kinder, and more joyful, or maybe you smile more. (You can read more about the advantages of tapping with another person, especially a practitioner, in my post Why is it important to tap alone and with others?.)


If you’ve ever had doubts about the process and thought about quitting, you’re not alone. This is a healing process that takes time; how much changes from person to person. In the meantime, you can refill you reserves of inspiration from many places, such as books, videos, and audios; people you trust and support you; and paying more attention to the successes you’ve made so far. Of course, whatever you do is up to you, but I recommend practising what works the best for you. And remember: you can only fail if you throw in the towel for good.