Tapping is one of the most commonly used technique of FasterEFT. It’s not surprising, because it’s very simple and breaks negative trances very effectively, which by itself can help us achieve spectacular results. However, it’s important to not only tap out bad things, but also practise feeling good with no reason. You can do this by doing something relaxing and making positive affirmations. These all assist you in getting the best results possible.

Take a break!

Tapping works because when you’re in a bad trance supporting your problem, it takes you into another trance: one created by tapping itself. There are people though, who tap in order to escape, so instead of aiming appropriately (thinking of the problem and noticing what they are doing inside them and how), they’ll rather tap and stay in the trance of tapping.

So, if you tap on yourself for several hours a day, I recommend that you don’t just tap: live your life! Go and take a walk, watch a good film, or drink a good cup of tea or coffee… do things you enjoy doing and distract yourself from your problems. And then you can continue cleaning up later.

Your positive affirmations and intentions

While tapping on yourself, do your feelings and thoughts fit what you’re saying? Repeating “I release and let it go” and “peace” is one thing, but if you’re thinking, “no way I’m letting it go!” or you can’t create peace inside you, it’ll be better if you work on them, too.

And to make the process even more effective, I suggest tapping in good things. You can do that by tapping on the same meridian points as when you’re releasing negative stuff (or as Robert Smith mentions in one of his videos, you can also tap around your ears), but this time you keep saying positive affirmations (statements you want to be true, made in present tense). And don’t just say them, imagine them: see, hear, and feel as if they have already come true as strongly as you can! If you notice any resistance, release it!

Also, while we’re at it, what is it you want to achieve with FasterEFT? There are people who find it difficult to answer this question. I think it’s important to be aware of what you really desire though. If you have a concrete goal, that can serve as excellent motivation and fuel not giving up. I often start tapping by stating what I want to achieve. Whatever intention you use to set up your session or working on yourself can have a great effect on the outcome. I’ve met people who would only work with other practitioners so that they could have the necessary hours for the training. (One of the requirements of the FasterEFT training is participating in X hours of sessions with certified practitioners.) Others keep thinking about proving to themselves that it’s not going to work. These do nothing but slow down the process. However, if your intention is to get healed and you’re ready to do whatever it takes, you’re going to succeed.

Sometimes less is more

Lura Owen recommends affirming general things inside you. I also experienced it myself that when my affirmations were detailed and full of expectations, they often led to disappointment instead of making me feeling good. If you form what you want in more general terms, you give the universe more freedom and you’ll also make it easier for you to find happiness. (You can’t be completely sure things will work out the way you planned anyway.) For example, if you want to attract a nice romantic relationship into your life with a person whose appearance matters to you, instead of “I have a partner with blue eyes and blonde hair” you could say, “my partner is beautiful/handsome, which makes me feel so grateful and happy“. Of course, it’s not forbidden to have some ideas of how he/she looks like exactly, but be open to at least several options and, most importantly, feel how good it feels. Lura also says that if you feel something good for 68 seconds, it has already started to manifest itself.

Your happy journal

So, if you’re already done with what you want to achieve in your life, write it down in your happy journal. The happy journal, as its name implies, contains everything that makes you feel happy whenever you think about it. It’s a good idea to pick a notebook that looks good and you enjoy looking at it and it can have several chapters for your goals, affirmations, and positive memories. It’s worth spending a few minutes with your happy journal each day, as a way to practise feeling good.


As you’re throwing out what you don’t need anymore by tapping, make sure you fill that place with good stuff. Do something enjoyable, make positive affirmations—no need to go into details—and be aware of what you want… even when you’re tapping. Your subconscious and the universe are listening.